Uncovering the Journey of Bitcoin Adoption in Tanzania

ManLikeKwesk, a Tanzanian rapper, promotes Bitcoin adoption in Africa through his music and POWA academy. His efforts have gained global attention and support, helping to bring hope and economic opportunities to many in Tanzania.

Uncovering the Journey of Bitcoin Adoption in Tanzania
February 22, 2024

“An Icon living in the UK left everything to liberate his hometown but later found out that it needed more than saving. Until he discovered the solution and began adopting Bitcoin in his unique way!”

Africa has one of the largest populations in the world, yet it suffers from hyperinflation and remains one of the poorest continents despite having valuable resources, traditions, cultures, and artifacts.

But however, Bitcoiners worldwide noticed this issue and decided to introduce Bitcoin to Africa in order to empower its people. 

As a result, many Africans who have adopted Bitcoin have realized its potential and benefits. The adoption of Bitcoin is growing every day as Bitcoiners continue to campaign and educate the masses in Africa.

An iconic quest

It all starts with ManLikeKweks, a Tanzanian rapper who is also a Christian. He spent most of his life in the UK, where he worked and made many friends. One day, he became curious about his hometown of Tanzania.

In his earlier years, ManLikeKweks had a passion for sports and wondered why Tanzania was not on the international level like other African countries. He wanted to make a difference and take Tanzania to an international level.

So, he made a bold decision to leave his comfortable life in the UK and go on a heroic quest to make his homeland great again. In 2013, he started his quest by engaging with sporting officials and working tirelessly on sporting projects to improve the field of sports in Tanzania. He continued until 2019.

He saw problems hovering around his hometown, so he foresaw the outskirts and decided to conduct thorough research on how he could save himself, his family, and his hometown from these issues.

Between 2018 and 2020, he found the solution, which was Bitcoin, through his brother, but he didn't actually understand its potential at the time. He then decided to start investing in it. Later, he was on a podcast where they discussed the possibilities and potentials of Bitcoin, and this sparked his interest.

When I asked  him what was going through his mind, he replied, "Man, Bitcoin was just buzzing through my mind. Knowing its potential, my mind became clearer, and I took it upon myself to conduct an in-depth research on Bitcoin.”

With a Clearer mind, ManLikeKweks became convinced that Bitcoin was the key to liberation and started reaching out to Bitcoiners around the world, with a particular focus on African Bitcoiners. He mainly used X (formerly Twitter) to connect with them.

One day, Manchankura, a Bitcoin software wallet, released a list of African countries where its services were accessible. To ManLikeKweks' disappointment, Tanzania was not included on the list. This made him determined to promote Bitcoin in Tanzania, and he initially looked into bringing Bitcoin developers to the country through Quala.

However, he eventually decided to spread Bitcoin to the world through his music.

Sharing the Gospel in a unique style

ManLikeKweks was already known in the UK for his rapping skills, so he started creating a new genre of music called Bitcoin-Music.

Which allowed him to educate and evangelize about Bitcoin to people around the world. 

He gained recognition as a "Bitcoin Rapper '' and went on to create Bitcoin-themed music for many top Bitcoin developers, including Leran Marcel of Bitcoin Data and Gorilla Sat. 

His music gained popularity all around the world, and he generated a lot of revenue while onboarding many people to Bitcoin. 

Many people consider him an icon for his unique approach to promoting Bitcoin. 

ManLikeKweks, developed interest in Bitcoin and has even implemented it in his personal and family life. He has a Bitcoin wallet, his wife has one too, and even their daughter has her own wallet. 

This has allowed him to see the potential of Bitcoin and how it can help solve economic problems in Tanzania. Inspired by this, he decided to establish POWA (Proof of Work Academy), a Bitcoin community aimed at educating people about Bitcoin in Tanzania. However, he lacked the necessary funds to establish the academy.

While scrolling through posts, ManLikeKweks came across an inspiring story about a Bitcoin enthusiast who did not have enough funds to complete his project so he had to make a video asking for help.

Within minutes, Bitcoiners from all over the world sent Sats to help fund the project. 

Witnessing this, ManLikeKweks was amazed and decided to take an iconic step towards establishing POWA in Tanzania.

POWA to the world!

He decided to make a post announcing his goal of promoting Bitcoin adoption in Tanzania. He needed funds to establish his very own Bitcoin community called POWA, which would serve as a bitcoin hub. 

Also, he mentioned that he would climb Mount Kilimanjaro for the sake of his goal. 

To his surprise, he received support from different parts of the world for his project.

And the amazing part was that he was receiving it Lightning fast.

ManLikeKweks has fundraised over 1,000,000 Sats, fast forward to today. And he had started up POWA HQ Construction part 1.

Giving a lot of people the opportunity to know that there's hope in Bitcoin and create opportunities for the Adoption of Bitcoin to everyone.

So this Triggered me to ask him this, “How was your first Adoption like?” He answered shortly saying “At first I had to convince myself by doing research, but his first Adoption was his Beautiful wife.”

So He started with his wife, and from that, it has multiplied to every part of his community, his hometown, and even to different parts of the world.

During his early stage of Bitcoin research, he came across various Bitcoin apps. One of those apps was Wavlake, which he used to post his Bitcoin music and connect with people.

He earned over 2 million Sats from the app, which was a big boost for him. 

He reached out to other musicians and convinced them to put their music on Wavlake so they could also earn in Bitcoin too. 

By showing them real testimonials he got, musicians in Tanzania and beyond quickly became interested, and he started to educate those who were unaware of Bitcoin. He gave people hope in Bitcoin. 

ManLikeKweks climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with the main goal of promoting Bitcoin education in his society, which turned out to be a great success. 

However, due to the language barrier, it was very stressful to introduce Bitcoin to Tanzania despite his reputation in the Bitcoin community. 

He also emphasized the need for off-boarding in Tanzania, as people want to know more about how to unravel their Bitcoin holdings. 

POWA X Blink

ManLikeKweks mentioned that he knew Blink when they were still called "Bitcoin Beach Wallet."

This started when he tested various lightning wallets around the world to find the best he could use and also recommend, and ultimately determined that Blink Lightning Wallet was the best. 

However, Tanzania's currency was not initially listed on the wallet until he reached out to Blink, as they were committed to trying to reach every part of the world.

Blink was happy he reached out and tried it's best to reach his demands.

Since then, Blink has been a constant source of support for ManLikeKweks and his family, inspiring him to promote Bitcoin to others. 

With the help of Blink, he has been engaging with different communities and taking courses to spread the word about this innovative technology.

Recently, POWA and BLINK are both working on a project together, and the Goal is to increase the adoption of Bitcoin in his Community Arubsia,Tanzania… 

How it all started?…

It all started from a conversation between ManLikeKweks the founder of POWA and the organizer who needed support for his upcoming sporting event.

The event is a FIBA (Fédération Internationale de Basketball) 3x3 Competition that will take place on the 23RD of February 2024.

So POWA reached out to Blink, and they both agreed to help sponsor the event. Using it as an opportunity to build relationships and introduce Bitcoin to everyone through Blink…

The future of Tanzania is filled with great promise!

Although the adoption of Bitcoin in Tanzania is gradually gaining momentum, it still requires support. 

If you would like to help in any way, please reach out! 

Regardless, there is a promising future for Tanzanians in the Bitcoin world. 

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