How the Blink API and BTCPay Plugin helped the company Let's Fly LLC to takeoff

Learn how bitcoin helped Pelle’s innovative business by using it as a medium of exchange.

How the Blink API and BTCPay Plugin helped the company Let's Fly LLC to takeoff
September 10, 2024
Blink Team

Pelle, an entrepreneur residing in Guatemala, launched the Let's Fly app, which facilitates on-demand connections between helicopter pilots and users, similar to Uber's model for cars. The app's launch proved successful, and Pelle's vision is to establish a network of helicopter services across South America, including routes from Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Interestingly, Pelle discovered that Bitcoin provided a solution to his challenges, leading him to embrace it enthusiastically.

Let's Fly App in Antigua Guatemala

Originally from Sweden, Pelle has been living in Guatemala for some time and understands the significance of tourism and time-saving services. This understanding inspired him to create Let's Fly, a platform that allows users to bypass traffic and experience life from a new perspective—effortlessly, affordably, and conveniently. The service is currently operational in Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador. The idea is so interesting that when Pelle shares his business concept, the brilliance of the idea becomes evident, especially considering that Guatemala ranked 11th in Latin America for helicopters per capita in the latest 2022 report.

Although Pelle recently commenced operations, he faced a significant challenge common to online businesses: finding a reliable payment processor. Initially, he opted for a traditional credit card processor, but soon received a notification that operations in Guatemala were not permitted, leading to the impending deactivation of his account. After attempting another traditional payment solution and encountering the same issue, Pelle discovered Blink Wallet during a visit to Lago Bitcoin in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. He was impressed by the seamless transaction capabilities of Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. The realization that he could use Bitcoin for various expenses, such as food, coffee, lodging, and transportation, inspired him to consider integrating Bitcoin as a payment option within his app.

However, the problem with credit cards not only relies on payment processors excluding regions and businesses, it also has some pain points that bitcoin fixes really easily. Every business that operates online and accepts credit card payments knows about these problems, we can name a few, like chargebacks, which happens when buyers dispute purchases and request refunds, can be problematic for businesses as they incur fees, consume time with investigations, and may lead to account restrictions or termination if frequent, fraud and sometimes high fees and high processing times. 

Pelle made the decision to launch his app and recognized the necessity of implementing a payment system to ensure the business's success. He was aware of the Blink and BTCPay Server Plugin, which simplifies online payment acceptance. Pelle successfully integrated this solution into his app, allowing users to pay for their trips. In doing so, he is also motivating helicopter pilots to accept payments in bitcoin, fostering a small bitcoin circular economy within his enterprise. He has been educating pilots on the workings of bitcoin and its advantages for making not only regular payments but also instant cross-border transactions. His current mission is to further educate individuals about bitcoin, highlighting its benefits as a superior currency and its potential as a medium of exchange.

From Pelle's viewpoint, there are three primary reasons for choosing bitcoin as the medium of exchange on his app. Firstly, the instant access to payments enhances cash flow, as he receives payments directly into his Blink wallet each time, thanks to the lightning network serving as the final settlement layer. Secondly, the safety of payments is improved, as users maintain greater control over their bitcoin, significantly reducing the risk of fraud, which is more prevalent with credit card transactions. Lastly, bitcoin's status as a global currency expands its market reach to a worldwide audience.

Pelle is keen on maximizing the benefits of Bitcoin and the Lightning Network, which is why he is utilizing Blink in three primary ways:

  • Blink API: The Blink API integrates the BTCPay plugin with his wallet, allowing him to receive payments directly into his Blink wallet, where he can manage the funds instantly. The API can be accessed through the Blink dashboard.
  • Stablesats: Stablesats function as "synthetic dollars," where $1 in Stablesats corresponds to $1 USD worth of satoshis. This feature enables Pelle and the Pilots to receive funds directly into their dollar accounts, avoiding the volatility associated with Bitcoin. Users can also configure this option within their Blink API to utilize their dollar accounts.
  • Batch Payments: Pelle has adopted batch payments to streamline the process of sending money to pilots, enabling him to execute a single transaction instead of multiple individual ones, reducing processing time. 

In conclusion, Pelle's adoption of the Blink API and BTCPayServer has transformed his helicopter booking app, Let's Fly, into a business. By integrating Bitcoin as a payment option, he bypassed traditional payment processor limitations and addressed common pain points such as chargebacks, fraud, high fees, and processing times. The seamless transaction capabilities of Bitcoin and the Lightning Network allowed Pelle to receive payments directly into his Blink wallet, improving cash flow and safety while expanding his market reach globally. With the Blink API, Pelle can manage funds instantly, and with Stablesats and batch payments, he streamlines transactions for both himself and pilots. This integration has enabled Let's Fly to thrive as a pioneering example of how Bitcoin can revolutionize online payment systems

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